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  • Metadata::

    • Author(s):: Monika Dávideková, Jozef Hvorecky
    • Title:: ICT collaboration tools for virtual teams in terms of the SECI model
    • Type:: Article
    • Abstract:: below
      • Nowadays the current state of development of information and communication technology (ICT) connects individuals across time and space in one common environment that is accessible for anyone, creating the virtual world. To collaborate with somebody or to participate in a team activity does not require a physical presence anymore. Virtual settings allow real-time com- munication and cooperation across any distance at any time with negligible de- lay. ICT allows formation of virtual teams to accomplish various functions in work, education and private life. Compared to local teams of physically present individuals, the collaboration in virtual environments is more intensively influ- enced by external and internal impact factors and requires active motivation of the team members, extensive support by their team leader and appropriate tech- nology. Among all the available ICT tools, not each ICT tool is equally suitable for each and every team activity. This paper aims to provide analysis of various ICT tools, to disclose their potential to contribute to team’s quality communica- tion and to reduce drawbacks caused by impersonal environment. Our aim is to optimize the composition of the ICT supporting infrastructure in order to form successful and effective collaboration.
    • Topics::
    • Date:: 2017
    • Date added:: October 2nd, 2020
    • Citekey:: Davidekova.Hvorecky2017
    • Zotero links:: Local library, Web library, Dávideková, Hvorecky (201....pdf đź”—
    • Tags:: ZoteroImport