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February 22nd, 2021
In another arena, the computer science and related literatures have long understood that there are various ways in which computers can help us, with distinct research streams taking different foci (CITE). However, these other literatures do not give due consideration to the specific processes by which teams operate, consideration which has received extensive attention in the literature on teams [e.g., @Fleishman.Zaccaro1992; [[@Grossman.Friedman.ea2017TeamworkProcessesEmergent]]; [[@Ilgen.Hollenbeck.ea2005]]; [[@Marks.Mathieu.ea2001TeamProcesses]]; [[@Mathieu.Maynard.ea2008]]; @Prince.Salas1993].
February 28th, 2021
Emergent states [[[@Marks.Mathieu.ea2001a]]], focus on specific cognitive and affective states that play large roles in literature, as reviewed by [[@Grossman.Friedman.ea2017TeamworkProcessesEmergent]]]