Michael Shulman's Shared Notes

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February 16th, 2021

  • This is an "Orphan" page. Its core content has not been shared: what you see below is a loose collection of pages and page snippets that mention this page, as well as snippets of this page that were quoted elsewhere.

  • From the earliest days of computing, humans have been fascinated by the affordances of computers. The ability of computers to instantly compute calculations that would take humans days or weeks was instrumental in war efforts, and their ability to autonomously carry out increasingly complex sets of instructions echoed science fiction dreams of computers that were genuinely intelligent. Yet, while non-apocalyptic visions of a future rich in computing generally see computers and humans as teammates working together and building upon each other's capabilities, the conceptualizing in the psychological literature of how this process should unfold has been limited and scattered.
    • this has too many science fiction vibes. need to tweak.
  • Psychology of team processes is a known thing - but limited efforts yet to understand how tech can build upon them, and presents unique challenges to them
  • No taxonomy of the dimensions of tech, understanding the foundational avenues by which technology and humans work synergistically. Breaking down the key mediums through which technology channels its capabilities. Important step in integrating theorizing literatures in psych and computer science.
  • Goal of this paper is twofold. First, to present a taxonomy that isolates the key elements present in technology, drawing from foundational efforts that have so far been isolated. Second, to review the psychological processes present in teamwork, and to theorize on the affordances and challenges that tech introduces for the processes in that framework. The outcome of this paper is to guide the psych lit with a more complete perspective on how to think about integrating technology into a future where machines and humans work synergistically;
    • ...and to present those in the computer science space an understanding of the processes /channels of human teamwork, and how tech can complement or get in the way of those processes; as well as to identify some promising next steps where tech can be particularly helpful
February 16th, 2021