/complex data
, or with physical tasks, or with ideas that are still imprecise and nascent. Technologies as tools give us better ways of doing things, or even enable new capabilities not previously possible. Technologies in this sense have been with us every time we invented a new medium that gave birth to new capabilities. Paper and writing was a technology, giving us an external memory whereby we could store more information than we could memorize, and share it with future others that did not live nearby. Arabic numbers replaced Roman numerals, easing the use of math and paving the way for future mathematicians and their discoveries. Need to find a good third example.
update - Seely's pieces of facilitation, expansion, etc are probably not limited to just augmented intelligence. This should fit with AI and communication richness as well. So maybe it's part of how we overlay these 3 dimensions onto the taxonomy of team/mts processes.
Of course, these examples are tools that were not merely useful, they were transformative. Most technologies that are useful tools help us improve existing processes, in process facilitation (Seely, 2015). Others are more useful, expanding the boundaries of what is possible and opening up new ways we can work, in process expansion (Seely, 2015). Simultaneous live document editing is one such technology, changing the way a team can draft documents, allowing them to view thinking of the other and providing context to every comment. And a few technologies have the power to be truly transformative. It is difficult to predict what these technologies will look like, and sometimes it is difficult to perceive how an emerging technology might be the next truly transformative tool. Perhaps augmented reality, where we can introduce spatial and visual elements into our world and pin them in places we can return to, is this next tool. But the difficulty of prediction is part of the point: At the highest levels, technology as a tool is not merely useful. At the highest levels, a technology gives rise to an emergent phenomenon, and truly transforms our thought. If we could predict this, if we could articulate the paradigm change we desired, the tool would not truly be transformative, for we would already think that way (Matuschak & Nielsen, 2019). modalities?
types of human intelligence, potentially engaging humans with ideas through more channels than has traditionally been possible. might combine these 1st two into one
And third, the ease and richness of the interface between human and computer affects our ability to use it as a tool.just laying out thoughts for now - will make the writing pretty later
need to show an example that is more clearly the realm of knowledge workers but still has non-language representations. Maybe understanding of something in astronomy? Or engineering. Bike could still work, but have to talk from engineering perspective.