Michael Shulman's Shared Notes

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Much of the discussion of technology published in psychological journals to date has centered around the idea of communication richness, the extent to which technology allows for rich virtual means of communication such that parties can communicate in real-time [e.g., @Kirkman.Mathieu2005]. Such a focus details how communication in teams is richer for its ability to bridge distances and space, but is necessarily generic in looking at communication broadly rather than a close examination of the processes through which teams are given leverage by complex technologies. Others have examined how to understand cognition when it merges both the human mind and the technological scaffolds it can build on [@Fiore.Wiltshire2016], integrating broad theoretical perspectives and breaking ground upon which this paper seeks to build.

  • Yet, even these efforts together do not fully describe the pathways by which technology can aid teams in their work, nor do they consider how technology interplays with existing taxonomies of team processes.
    • Efforts to try other wordings:
      • There is need for a framework to delineate the dimensions of present and future technologies these pathways or dimensions, and to consider how they interplay with existing taxonomies of team processes.
        • to delineate a framework of technologies, articulating the different pathways through which technology complements the work of teams, and to consider how these dimensions interplay with existing taxonomies of team processes.
      • There is need for a framework which delineates the pathways or dimensions by which technology aids teams in their work, and considers how these dimensions interplay with existing taxonomies of team processes.
        • "interplay" - there's room here for a colorful word, something that connotes dancing synergistically
      • Yet, even the integration of these efforts does not fully describe the pathways by which technology can aid teams in their work.
        • There is need for a framework that delineates the ways technology complements human teams, and considers how
        • There is need for a framework that delineates these pathways, and considers how they interplay with existing taxonomies of team processes.
February 22nd, 2021