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mission analysis
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"The final aspect of time we discuss is rhythms of team processes. Marks et al. (2001) out-lined an episodic framework and argued that teams execute different processes at different times. They suggested that teams execute processes such as[[mission analysis]]s, goal specification, and strategy formulation when they are transitioning from one period to another. Such transition phases are likely to call for less virtual means of coordination such as more frequent face-to-face meetings to develop team strategies and processes. In contrast, Marks et al. (2001) submitted that teams execute processes such as coordination, monitoring the environment, and performing back-up behaviors during action phases when task work is being accomplished.Compared to transition phases, action phases are most likely carried out using more virtual means of coordination such as e-mail. Teams will be less focused on strategy and planning and more concentrated on accomplishing tasks" (pg. 711).
#me Is all this just more __granular__ than [[mission analysis]]👆🏻?
QUESTION where does [[team charter]] fit into this? More related to [[mission analysis]], or to [[strategy formulation]]?
mission analysis