Michael Shulman's Shared Notes

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In reading Seely's dissertation, mentioned how technology "affords" and "constrains" team processes - went searching for "affordances," a term Steve used in his teams class edit - he used it in his leadership class, and came across an article I'd collected recently but have not yet read on the how intra-organizational social media tools that provide avenues for communication can have an effect on the workplace - looking at different areas, including boundary work.

  • I should come back and skim that after reading this dissertation, see if it is interesting to me.
  • Leonardi, Huysman, Steinfield (2013) J Comput Mediat Commun- Enterprise Social Media
  • DTlink
  • Also, it seems that this term "affordances" may be commonly used in the literature on computer mediated communication.

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February 18th, 2020