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shared interaction mental models
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sounds like a mix of [[strategic models]] and [[shared interaction mental models]]
Intellectual, these [[strategic models]] are about a shared understanding of the abstract problem space and its idea elements (they're [[problem models]]); and the [[shared interaction mental models]] are about which team works on which part of the problem, and the processes used to combine information. (Plus obv. the [[transactive memory]] of who is expert in what.)
physical, more important to focus on behavioral models of both strategy and interaction ([[strategic models]] and [[shared interaction mental models]])
#me This sounds like a stage where teams would build [[shared interaction mental models]] and [[strategic models]]? Also, including AARs here means this includes the process of [[adaptation]]
[[shared interaction mental models]] = shared understanding of how teams should interact normally (Rentsch & Staniewicz, 2012)
Cognitive states - [[shared interaction mental models]], [[strategic models]] ([[problem models]] for intellectual MTSs) - are important for MTS effectiveness, across [MTS types](((8eHEzUhfa))), [CTD levels,](((y2Xm2tMkz))) [goal types.](((bG4t2lCrG)))
shared interaction mental models