Michael Shulman's Shared Notes

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Structure = The complex network of dynamic team interactions

  • Crawford & LePine (2013), must consider the configuration of team interactions. 3 specific types:
    • Closure, Centralization, Subgrouping
      • (Need to look up closure - not fully following from Seely's dissertation)
      • Centralization is concentration of individuals. Crawford & LePine (2013) suggest the 'what' should be centralized (~1 person), the 'how' should be decentralized (democratized).
      • Subgrouping = when have subsets of connections. Enable specialization, enhanced communication within each group, but can increase ingroup bias. Posit that if no connections between subgroups, can negatively effect team functioning.
        • me Very related to MTS - basically saying that if it's an MTS, need to clarify the function of the connections between teams.
team processes